
Hi there, I am still not very good at English. So many error may be in my writing, just ignore that and thank you for visiting my blog.

The title is given by my mother, so I will just leave it there okay.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Ayam Masak Merah

Cooked on 04th May 2023

Ayam masak merah is totally one of the dish that make me drooling (Ewww, hahahaha).

I refer to Che Nom and other people's recipe available online on Google Search and it turns out pretty okay? 

And on 10th May, I cooked ayam masak merah again but this time with nasi Hujan Panas, Alhamdulillah craving satisfied!!!!

Update in May 2023

I realised I have not updated anything in 2022.
I guess I am just not diligent enough to update my story.

Since it is May 2023, let's update more our hangouts and to many more exciting stories!